Welcome to the Hudson County Community College Archives!
We are located on the first floor of the HCCC Gabert Library building in historic Journal Square.
The Archives are open by appointment only. Please email John Hernandez at jhernandez@hccc.edu or call (201) 360-4361.
The mission of the Hudson County Community College Archives is to successfully support access to relevant records of administrative and historical value to HCCC. The Archives actively collects the official records for the College.
The primary purpose of the Archive is to document the history of the College and to provide source material for administrators, faculty, students, and alumni. The goals of Hudson County Community College Archives are as follows:
The Hudson County Community College Archives collects, preserves, describes, exhibits and makes available to researchers materials related to the history of the institution.
The College Archives collects records (paper, visual, and electronic), papers and manuscripts, publications, and other historical materials documenting the intellectual, cultural, administrative and social life of HCCC. The Archives serves as the principal repository for the institutional records of HCCC. The Archives seeks to document the faculty, students, and academic programs at the College as well as HCCC’s administration, library, art gallery, and affiliated organizations.
1. College Records: Records and publications created in the course of college business from c. 1974 to the present. The four main creating/collecting groups of College records are:
2. Publications: Publications and/or promotional materials created by the college community for internal and external purposes.
3. Faculty Archives: Resources created by and/or for the members of the college faculty and adjunct community.
4. Student Life & Associated Organizations Records
5. Historical Records: Any record that is of historical significance to the College, community, and/or New Jersey.
The following types of documentation are sought by the College Archives: official, professional, and personal correspondence; biographical material; photographs; tape recordings; class lecture notes and syllabi; research files; departmental or committee minutes and records; drafts and manuscripts of articles and books written; and diaries, notebooks, appointment calendars, and memorabilia.
The College Archives is happy to accept donations that fall within the collection scope. Due to limited staffing and space, all donations and gifts are subject to review by the College Archives and may be declined.
The College Archives regard deaccessioning as an important element of strategic planning, collection building, and public service. Materials are gathered with the full expectation they will remain in its care in perpetuity. However, in rare occasions, materials may be deemed out of scope, in duplication, or significantly decayed and need to be deaccessioned. Deaccessioned materials may be sold, traded, donated, transferred to the general collections or destroyed.