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Research Writing ~ How to Write a Research Paper

Plagiarism Checker
Past your text into the box and see what percentage of your writing is unique and what percentage might be plagiarized.

How to Avoid Plagiarism: Quoting, Paraphrasing, and Summarizing
This tutorial was adapted by The University of Southern Mississippi Libraries. Original content can be found in Robert A. Harris's The Plagiarism Handbook : Strategies for Preventing, Detecting, and Dealing with Plagiarism.

All About Plagiarism Tutorial
From the University of Texas Libraries, this interactive tutorial provides a definition of plagiarism, how to avoid it, and help in deciding what sources need to be cited.




Hudson County Community College's Academic Integrity Policy

Academic integrity is central to the pursuit of education. For students at HCCC, this means maintaining the highest ethical standards in completing their academic work. In doing so, students earn college credits by their honest efforts. When they are awarded a certificate or degree, they have attained a goal representing genuine achievement and can reflect with pride on their accomplishment. This is what gives college education its essential value. Violations of the principle of academic integrity include:

  • Cheating on exams.
  •  Reporting false research data or experimental results.
  •  Allowing other students to copy one’s work to submit to instructors.
  • Communicating the contents of an exam to other students who will be taking the same test.
  •  Submitting the same project in more than one course, without discussing this first with instructors.
  • Submitting plagiarized work. Plagiarism is the use of another writer's words or ideas without properly crediting that person. This unacknowledged use may be from published books or articles, the Internet, or another student's work.

Violations of Academic Integrity
When students act dishonestly in meeting their course requirements, they lower the value of education for all students. Students who violate the College’s policy on academic integrity are subject to failing grades on exams or projects, or for the entire course. In some cases, serious or repeated instances of academic integrity violations may warrant further disciplinary action.


Violations reported to the Division Dean or Assistant Dean of Student Services
Depending on the severity of the violation(s), the division dean will determine whether further disciplinary action is warranted. The Assistant Dean of Students assists Academic Affairs in maintaining a high level of academic integrity on the campus. The Assistant Dean of Students works with the faculty and division deans to educate students about academic dishonesty and to adjudicate disciplinary cases in which there are suspected violations of college policies. Should a violation of HCCC’s academic integrity standards warrant a 36 disciplinary hearing with the Assistant Dean of Students, sanctions may include suspension, expulsion, or other measures deemed appropriate.


Source: HCCC Student Handbook
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