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Journals and Magazines

In order to access the resources listed below from off-campus, you will need to use your Blackboard log-in credentials.


When beginning your research, you may want to consult a specialized encyclopedia. Specialized encyclopedias can provide with an overview of the particular topic you have chosen. If you are still searching for a topic or need to narrow it down further, browsing this type of resource can aid in this process. The Gale Virtual Reference Library contains encyclopedia articles on a variety of topics in several disciplines, including economics and the social sciences in general.



ABI/Inform Complete--Database containing magazine articles, scholarly journal articles, reports, and downloadable data relating to the fields of business and economics.



 EBSCOHost Databases --Databases containing magazine, newspaper, and scholarly journal articles from a variety of sources. Some databases within EBSCOHost are general, but many are discipline-specific. The following descriptions provide further information about EBSCOHost databases relevant to the field of economics.

Databases covering all subjects including economics

Databases specializing in business and economics

If you are specifically looking for peer-reviewed articles for your research and choose to search the Academic Search Complete, Masterfile Elite, or Business Source Elite databases, you have the option of limiting your results to only peer-reviewed sources. To do so, check off the box on the home screen that says "Scholarly (Peer-Reviewed) Journals". 


If you are researching a controversial topic or you are looking for topic ideas, try searching CQ Researcher Online.  It contains full reports on a variety of subjects, including economics.