- Pro Quest
Full text peer-reviewed journal articles and newspaper articles on business and
management topics, including the Wall Street Journal and the Sloan Management
Review. This databases also searches Banking Information Source.
- EBSCO Databases
A comprehensive collection of databases including:
- Business Source Complete
- Regional Business News
- Small Business Reference Center
- Gale Resources Search
A simultaneous search of all our Gale databases including Gale Virtual
Library, Opposing Viewpoints, Literature Resource Center, Contemporary
Authors, and more.
- Nexis Uni
Up-to-date news, business, and legal information, providing searches in
newspapers, periodicals, public records, legal documents, and more.
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
Official federal summary of statistics on the demographic, housing, social,
political, and economic condition of the United States. Charts and data from 1878-2012.