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CQ Researcher Online
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Presents controversial topics,with summary, overview, background, current situation, projections, charts
or graphs, chronology, pro/con debate, and more.
EBSCO Databases
Use the following databases in the EBSCOhost collection for finding journal, eBooks, magazine, and newspaper
articles on a vast range of environmentall issues: Academic Search Premier, eBook Collection, MasterFILE
Premier, Scientific Reference Center, and GreenFile are just a few of the databases that can be search simultaneously
or separately.
Gale Power Search
A simultaneous search of all our Gale databases including Gale Virtual Library, Opposing Viewpoints,
Literature Resource Center, Contemporary Authors, and more.
Legal Information Reference Center
Legal Information Reference Center contains legal information and forms for consumers and small businesses,
along with access to legal reference books provided through Nolo.
Up-to-date news, business, and legal information, providing searches in newspapers, periodicals, public records,
legal documents, and more.
New Jersey State Legislature
Find Rulings, Laws, Legislative Publications, Ethics and more about New Jersey governance.
Opposing Viewpoints In Context
Includes pro/con viewpoints, covering current events, news and commentary, economics, environmental
issues, political science, and more. Specific titles include The New York Times, Newsweek, Foreign Policy,
American Scientist, and Education Week.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Official federal summary of statistics on the demographic, housing, social, political, and economic condition
of the United States. Charts and data from 1878-2012.