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HCCC Libraries Artwork

Showcasing artwork displayed in both Gabert and NHC Libraries.

On Walls

David Beck Dodo MMVII


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  1. Agnes Martin - Praise
  2. Barry Le Va - Installation Floor Plan for any Space Surrounded by Four Walls
  3. Ben Shahn - Culture
  4. Carl Andre - Untitled
  5. Chuck Close - Phil
  6. Daniel Buren - 1000 Placemats
  7. David Beck - Dodo MMVII
  8. Don Nice - Bear with Predella
  9. Ibrahim Ahmed - Body #1
  10. Joe Zucker - The Relocation of Property by Natural Forces
  11. King James Bible Page - Joshua 10.9 - 11.12
  12. Myron Stout - Untitled
  13. Peter Paone - Gift of Ophelia
  14. Richard Artschwager - Untitled
  15. Robert Mangold - A Square with Four Squares Cut Away
  16. Sol LeWitt - Lines in Four Directions
  17. Susan Esther Koenigsburg - Ten Men
  18. Sylvia Plimack Mangold - Six Inches Four Ways

Agnes Martin

Rubber Stamp Print
15.5 x 16 in (39.37 x 40.64 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Barry Le Va

Installation Floor Plan for any Space Surrounded by Four Walls
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

About the Artist

LeVa was trained as an architect, which may explain in part why this looks somewhat like an architectural drawing. According to the Institute of Contemporary Art at the Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, “Since the late 1960s. the American artist Barry LeVa has used broken glass, meat cleavers, wool felt, ball bearings, powdered chalk, cast concrete, paper towels, linseed oil, a typewriter and a gun, among other things, to make his art”. Here we see a work so minimalist, it’s hard to figure out what it’s about. Look closely. What do you see?

Ben Shahn

26.5 x 20 in (67.31 x 50.8 cm)

Given by Karen Fink through HCCC Foundation Acquisition Program.

Carl Andre

Carl Andre (1935 -   )
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 cm x 20.32 cm)

About the Artist

Sculptor Carl Andre was born in Quincy, Massachusetts. He is a member of the Minimalist Art movement. Andre studied art at Philips Academy, in Andover, MA, while in high school, and briefly attended Kenyon College, in Gambier, OH, before traveling abroad to England and France in the middle of his college years. He worked in North Carolina for the United States Army Intelligence before moving back to New York City, where he spent his time sculpting and working as an editorial assistant for a publishing company in the city. His simple cubes and panels, laid flat on the floor, were made from wood, lead, limestone, copper, and other industrial materials. The work gained critical attention, and he began exhibiting regularly at art galleries in New York. He is famous for making art that is so minimal, people get angry and insist it is not art. Does this look like art to you?

Andre has exhibited his work at numerous institutions including the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum and The Museum of Modern Art in New York City; the Martin-Gropius-Bau in Berlin, Germany; and the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. Andre currently lives and works in New York City.

Chuck Close

Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Daniel Buren

1000 Placemats
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

About the Artist

Daniel Buren is famous for painting stripes. He is known as an "abstract minimalist." Please see the instructions for this work on the placard below.

David Beck

Archival Pigment on Somerset Satin White 300 gsm
26 x 33 in (66.04 x 83.82 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Don Nice

Bear with Predella
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Ibrahim Ahmed

Body #1
Oil Painting on Window Shade
77 x 58 in (195.58 x 147.32 cm)

About the Artist

Ibrahim Ahmed, III was born in Kuwait and raised in Bahrain until 1997. After that time, he moved to Freehold, New Jersey. He graduated with a degree in English literature from Rutgers University in 2003. While studying at Rutgers, Ahmed embraced his lifelong interest in the fine arts.

He currently lives and works in Egypt. You can see the original painting upon which this print work is based in the Library.

Thank you to Benjamin J. Dineen, III and Dennis C. Hull for the generous donation of this work.

Joe Zucker

The Relocation of Property by Natural Forces
Rubber Stamp Print
19.75 x 25.5 in (50.17 x 64.77 cm)

This print is also in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art and the Smithsonian American Art Museum, among others. Artist Chuck Close says, “Joe Zucker has consistently for over four decades been one of America’s most innovative artists. His painting are personal, quirky, idiosyncratic, and often puzzling. His style is rooted in processes, some simple, other remarkably complex. His imagery most often relates in some way to the materials and processes (for example, cotton plantation imagery executed in cotton balls rolled in paint). He has made paintings that include the tools that made them integrates into the works themselves and illustrate the use of those tools as part of the imagery. He has made painting in which the paint ins not applied to canvas or any other ground, but literally floats in space – The medium purely being itself. Pouring, squeezing and manipulating paint, he fashions painting so personal it would be impossible to imagine anyone else having made them. This is the definition of personal invention”.

King James Bible Page Joshua 10.9 - 11.12

King James Bible Page Joshua 10.9 - 11.12
Ink on Vellum
22.5 x 17 in (framed) (57.15 x 43.18 cm)

An original page from the Book of Joshua from the 1611 King James Bible. Approximately 1,000 were printed that year, of which about 200 survive intact.

Given by Glen Gabert in honor of his friend John W. Hannon, Jr.

Myron Stout

Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Peter Paone

Gift of Ophelia
32.25 x 25 in (framed) (81.92 x 63.5 cm)

The Hudson County Community College Foundation gratefully acknowledges Benjamin J. Dineen and Dennis C. Hull for their generous donation of this work and Pat Reilly for the purchase of the Plexiglas box.

Richard Artschwager

Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 cm x 20.32 cm)

This print is also in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art and the Smithsonian American Art Museum, among others. Artschwager explains his obsession with the simple objects in his work in this way: “I flipped to a drawing of an interior, a room I had once occupied, and made a list of the six objects that were in it. I decided to take this as an instruction to make one drawing, then another, and another, and so on. The instruction to make one “played” those six objects like I play the piano—I guess you could say it was some kind of fugal exercise”.

Robert Mangold

A Square with Four Squares Cut Away
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Sol LeWitt

Lines in Four Directions
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

A small donation makes a big difference! Would you like to give to the College in honor of a loved one and have their name memorialized here? Contact the Hudson County Community College Foundation Art Collection at (201) 360-4007.

Susan Esther Koenigsburg

Ten Men
Offset Lithograph with Sparkles
12 x 9 in (30.48 x 22.86 cm)

Thank you to James Byrne for the generous donation of this work.

Sylvia Plimack Mangold

Six Inches Four Ways
Rubber Stamp Print
8 x 8 in (20.32 x 20.32 cm)

This print is also in the collection of the Museum of Modern Art and the Smithsonian Art Museum among others. In the online art “zine”. Hyperallergic, John Yau wrote in 2012 about Plimack Mangold’s work with rulers: “The unfinished state [of this work] is the opposite of the fixed status embodied in much Minimalist art and, as such, offers an implicit critique of that which is finished. But beyond that, it underscores painting’s changing state—that it is never done, even after the artist stops working on it…The other issue that the ‘ruler and tape’ paintings raise is the shift between our immediate physical environment and the immensity of our surroundings, between solid ground and the abyss”