To link to an EBSCO eBook in your online courses or course shells so that your students can easily reach the intended resources, you must use a permalink, not the page URL.
1. Find an EBSCO eBook you wish to use in your course through the library catalog (see the Link to eBooks page for more information on this).
2. Click the title to view the catalog record.
3. Click on the link in the catalog record that reads EBSCO EBOOK: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS to access the detailed record page.
4. Find and click on the permalink button on the right side of the screen.
5. Copy and paste the permalink into your Canvas course.
An alternative method to using permalinks is to add a chapter of an EBSCO eBook to your Canvas course. Note that there is a limit to the number of pages you can download.
1. Find an EBSCO eBook you wish to use in your course through the library catalog (see the Link to eBooks page for more information on this).
2. Click the title to view the catalog record.
3. Click on the link in the catalog record that reads EBSCO EBOOK: CLICK HERE TO ACCESS to access the detailed record page.
4. In the detailed record for the title, click on the Table of Contents link on the left side of the screen, or scroll down.
5. Click on the specific chapter title that you wish to download and select the download icon to the right of the chapter title to save it. Note that there is a limit to the number of pages you can download.
Follow steps 1-3 above.
Upon reaching the detailed record, look for the field called Publisher Permissions. This will tell you how many pages you may download.
Right below that there will be a field called Concurrent User Level. This will tell you how many copies are available for simultaneous/concurrent use or how many views of the title are available.