1. Go to the library website and click on Database A-Z.
2. Using the Database Type filter box, limit the search to Streaming Videos.
3.Select the database you would like to use. See the boxes below for further instructions on linking streaming videos from Academic Video Online (AVON) and Films on Demand.
1. Follow Steps 1-3 from box above (Finding Streaming Video Databases) selecting the database Academic Video Online (AVON).
2. Search for a video or subject using the search box, then select a video from the resulting list by clicking on the title.
3. Hover your cursor over the video. Click on the button in the row at the top of the video that says Share.
4. Click the Copy Permalink button.
5. Click Copy button under the Copy Permalink option. The button will turn green and read "Copied" when copied successfully.
6. Paste the permalink into Canvas.
1. Follow Steps 1-3 from box above (Finding Streaming Video Databases) selecting the database Films on Demand.
2. Search for a video or subject using the search box, then select a video from the resulting list by clicking on the title.
3. Click the Share button below the video.
4. In the window that pops up, click to the Embed/Link tab and then on the Copy button to copy the permalink.
5. Paste the permalink into Canvas.