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Students Tech Guide


Before continuing, be sure to have an Adobe account and have the Adobe Scan app downloaded onto your mobile device from the iPhone App Store or the Google Play Store.

Scanning With Adobe Scan

Open the Adobe Scan app and choose "Document". Hold your phone over the document and take a photo.

Your scan will be saved on the lower right side of your phone. You can continue taking photos of any other documents you want to scan.

You can edit your scan(s) to see if the photo was taken correctly. Tap on the scan on the bottom right to see. From here you will be able to view your scans and to crop and edit the color of the pages.

Cropping your scans

To adjust the scan, click "Crop".

You can adjust the blue lines in order to fix the scan. If you have multiple pages, click the arrow on the bottom to adjust them. Click the checkmark on the top right if you are finished fixing the scans.

Reordering your scans

If you need to reorder your scans in the order you want them to be, click "Reorder".

Reorder the scans as you see fit. Click the checkmark when you're done or click the X if you do not want to reorder your pages.

Renaming your scans

To rename your scan click the default scan name at the top. It's usually titled "Adobe Scan" followed by the current date.

Rename your scan whatever you like and click "Rename".

Saving your scans

To save your scans, tap "Save PDF" on the top right of the screen.

Your scan will then save to your own Adobe cloud account

Viewing your scans

Open the Adobe Scan app and tap the  icon on the top left.

This will take you to the Adobe Document Cloud page. Here you can view your scans, share them, etc.

You can also view your scans on the site. Log in to and view your Document Cloud at the top right.

Here you can view all the scans that you have done.