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Library Staff Tech Guide

A guide for library staff technology training.

Set up console and controllers

Nintendo Switch Setup

  1. Plug the power cable and dock in. 
  2. Slide the Nintendo switch gently into the dock. It should slide onto the usb c plug. If it doesn't slide on, don't force it. Pull the Nintendo switch out and turn it around and try to reinsert it. 
  3. Once that is done, push the power button on the top.
  4. The Nintendo Switch should turn on and then you can select a game and play.

Insert/change games.

Nintendo Switch Changing Games

On the top right of the Nintendo Switch there is a cover for the game slot. Open it . If there is a game inside it already, press down on it to eject it and remove it from the slot. Next slide the game cartridge in of the game you wish to play until you here a click. The game should pop up as the first playable game in the Nintendo Switch's menu. Select the game by using the joystick then press A and the game will start.

Common troubleshooting

Nintendo Switch Troubleshooting

Cartridge Issues

When you put a cartridge into the Nintendo Switch, the main menu should bring up the game to the front of the list. If this doesn't happen the Nintendo Switch is not reading the game cartridge properly.  Here are some things to check for

  • Make sure the cartridge is inserted properly. Take the cartridge out and then push it back into the slot. If you here a click it should be inserted properly.
  • If it still doesn't read, take it out again and lightly blow on the game cartridge pins to clear any of any debris on it. Then reinsert the cartridge.

JoyCon Issues

One of the most common problems is the JoyCons won't detach from the switch. Push on the circular button on the back of the switch and push the controller back into place. Let go of the circular button and jiggle the controller a bit. Then press on the circular button and try to disconnect the controller again. 

Another common problem is putting the attachments to the JoyCons on the wrong way. This will make the attachments hang over on one side.

  1. Make sure the lock lever is pulled out on the bottom of the attachment. 
  2. Push and hold the circular button on the back of the controller.
  3. Slowly start to slide  the attachment off. If you feel any resistance make sure the lock lever is pulled out on the bottom of the attachment. It sometimes reinitializes.